Task Inbox

Task Inbox

This screen allows approvers to view and take action of all the pending tasks/requests in their list. Take note that pending tasks/requests shall be available when the user is an approver configured in the Approval Levels module.

Task Inbox Action

Use these steps to take action on the pending tasks/requests:

  1. Go to Task Inbox. You should see the ‘Task Inbox’ module on the side menu and click on it.
  2. In this module, you will see the list of requests that are pending for your approval. There are two ways to approve it.
    • You can click on the action button on the thumbnail of the request and select the necessary action. Once selected, you will have a pop out to input reason for this change then click on save.
    • You can click on the request thumbnail. After which, you will see the full details of the request. On the Status portion, select on the dropdown the action you wish to take, Approve, Reject or Cancel, then input the reason for the action and save.
    • Once action has been saved, it will go to the next approver or if you are the final approver, the employee will receive a notification of the final action of his/her request.
    • To view all other requests, you can still use the Requests module.